Project Overview
We were commissioned by the London Climate Change Partnership (LCCP) to analyse the London-specific risks to public health and to health and social care services of climate change, and to make recommendations for adaptation of service planning and delivery. This was the first ever whole-region risk assessment for the sector. We tested these recommendations at a workshop involving commissioners, policy-makers, and estates managers, which led to a new coalition of cross-sector support for action on health and climate in London. This work was delivered in partnership with Geofutures and Ben Cave.
Read our Risk assessment and action plan.
LCCP’s London’s changing climate—In sickness and in health provides an overview of our findings and recommendations for cross-sector action.
Following on from this, and our work with Durham University on older people’s care, we collaborated with the Environment Agency, Sustainable Development Unit and Joseph Rowntree Foundation to produce Under the weather. This is a user-friendly reference resource to help clinical commissioners, directors of public health and social care, councillors, clinicians, the public and the third sector take action to adapt. Catherine was the social care expert member of the project’s Technical Advisory Group and provided additional advice to consultancy URS who led development of the toolkit.